Madame So – Real Friends (self-released)

Madame So – Real Friends (self-released)

Moving closer to a folk-rock sound Paris-born London-based musician Madame So navigates friendship on her first release of 2021, Real Friends. 

Madame So Real Friends coverArtist: Madame So
Track: Real Friends
Label: Self-released
Released: 29 January 2021
Find it: Bandcamp | Spotify

Paris-born London-based musician Madame So had a prolific 2020 with the releases of singles Generation YYou Say and Who Are We to Judge? and is now launching into 2021 with a Zeitgeist-capturing reflection on the nature of friendships with latest track Real Friends.

With more than a little ’90s folk-rock to the guitar-driven melody the single, there’s a sense of fun in the bouncing rhythm and much playfulness in the riffs. There’s some attention-grabbing pace changes and melodic shifts which lift the track and make the lyrical delivery an easier pill to swallow: letting go of what was once good, or that which you had high hopes for, is never easy but Madame So reminds you it’s better to travel alone than be surrounded by fakery.

‘Real friends / don’t change so often’

On Bandcamp Madame So says of the track’s theme, “Real Friends is a song about identifying true friendships from superficial acquaintances and ephemeral companionship”. It’s perhaps one which more than ever is in our minds, as social distancing stretches us in how we can give and receive, the nurturing of connections we’re capable of in this circumstance.

These periods of enforced isolation have shrunk how we socialise, eliciting loneliness for many, and seeing those acquaintances drop away and momentary chance connections as we moved through our world disappear. But, as Madame So gives out here, that change may not be so bad if it wakes us up to the unshakeable nature of true friendships.

A gentle-nudge toward what’s good for you and to let what has had its season pass. Real Friends is full of self-love without any arrogance set to a catchy folk-rock melody which will lift your heart and carry you through your day.

Real Friends by Madame So is out digitally now.

Find Madame So: website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp | Spotify

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Sarah Lay

Sarah Lay is editor of Popoptica.
A long-standing music journalist she's also co-founder of independent record label Reckless Yes, an author of novels, and when not messing around with words and music, a digital strategist.
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