Contact us

Contact us

We aren’t currently taking submissions and are no longer check a previously shared email address.

You can share your thoughts about posts underneath them or on our social media posts.

Our approach still stands:

  • we prioritise giving space to under-represented artists and marginalised groups
  • we don’t cover news
  • we don’t carry premieres
  • we don’t currently do conventional reviews

If you’ve been featured…

If you’ve been featured on Popoptica we’d like you to think about doing some or all of the following. You’re not compelled or expected to but we believe in community and not individualism so these make sense to us:

  • Share: the piece on your social media, your mailing lists, and on your website. Ask anyone in your team (labels, PRs, pluggers, booking agents) to do the same. It benefits us both if your piece gets read. There are share buttons on every piece so you don’t even have to copy and paste the URL if you don’t feel like it.
  • Follow: hit the Like or Follow button on the Popoptica social media account (currently just Facebook as we have left Twitter/X). Don’t just stop by for your own coverage but join us to discover and support other artists too.
  • Support: we’ll never ask you to pay for coverage on this site, and we’re unlikely to sign up to submission platforms that disguise the act of paying for coverage by sitting inbetween us. Everything we do at Popoptica is self-funded and will continue to be so as far as we know. If you’ve liked something here and are able, buy us a Ko-Fi – it helps us keep the lights on at the site, recognises music and music journalism have value, and quite honestly absolutely makes our day to know we connected.